Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 (Sách I learn smart start) - Năm học 2023-2024

Look, read and tick Yes or No. There is one example.
I can sing.
I have a cookie.
How old are you?
I’m three.
This is my kitchen.


doc 7 trang baoanh 05/07/2023 5080
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Nội dung text: Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 (Sách I learn smart start) - Năm học 2023-2024

  1. SEMESTER 2 TEST GRADE 1 Full name: Mark: /10 School: Listening Reading Writing Class: /3.0 /5.0 /2.0 LISTENING PART 1 4 questions - 1.0 point Listen and number the pictures. There is one example. 0 PART 2 4 questions - 1.0 point Listen and put a tick () in the box. There is one example. Ex. A  B C
  2. 5. A B C 6. A B C 7. A B C 8. A B C
  3. PART 3 4 questions - 1.0 point Listen and corlor the pictures. There is one example. Ex. 9. 10. 11. 12. READING
  4. PART 1 3 questions - 1.5 points Look, read and tick () Yes or No. There is one example. YES NO  Ex. I can sing. 1. I have a cookie. How old are you? 2. I’m three. 3. This is my kitchen. PART 2 3 questions - 1.5 points Look, read and draw lines. There is one example. I can kick. I can sing. This is my living room. I have ten books. PART 3 4 questions - 2.0 points
  5. Look, read and circle the correct answer. There is one example. This is my juice. Ex. This is my book. 7. I can run. I can swim. 8. This is my mouth. This is my mouse. 9. I want a sandwich. I love my mom. 10. This is my kitchen. This is my bedroom. WRITING PART 1 3 questions – 0.75 points Order the letters. There is one example. Ex. n e s e v s e v e n 1. l l a b __ __ __ __
  6. 2. a a a b n n __ __ __ __ __ __ 3. n i g s __ __ __ __ PART 2 3 questions - 0.75 points Look and write. There is one example. Ex. I can see a m o u s e . 4. I can __ __ __ __ . 5. I have __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __. 6. This is my __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . PART 3 2 questions - 0.5 points Reorder the words to make a correct sentence. There is one example. swim. I can
  7. Ex. ___I can swim. 7. my is This bedroom. ___ 8. teddy I have four bears. ___ THE END.