Đề thi Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 học kì 2 sách Kết nối tri thức năm 2022 (Có đáp án)

  1. Choose the odd one out
  1. A. teddy bear
  1. doll
  1. tiger
  1. A. bananas
  1. apples
  1. foot
  1. A. father
  1. face
  1. foot
  1. A. bus
  1. sun
  1. truck
  1. A. monkey
  1. water
  1. mouse
doc 10 trang baoanh 28/01/2023 5400
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Nội dung text: Đề thi Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 học kì 2 sách Kết nối tri thức năm 2022 (Có đáp án)

  1. Đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 1 học kì 2 sách Kết nối tri thức năm 2022 Đề 1 I. Look at the picture and complete the words 1. _ a r _ e n 2. _ e l l 3. _ o r s _ 4. _ a k _ II. Choose the odd one out 1. A. teddy bear B. doll C. tiger 2. A. bananas B. apples C. foot 3. A. father B. face C. foot 4. A. bus B. sun C. truck 5. A. monkey B. water C. mouse III. Write I can see a ___ 1.
  2. He is ___ 2. That’s a ___ 3. Đáp án đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 1 Kết nối tri thức số 1 I. Look at the picture and complete the words 1. garden 2. bell 3. horse 4. cake II. Choose the odd one out 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B III. Write 1. I can see a turtle 2. He is running 3. That’s a mango
  3. Đề 2 I/ Look at the picture and complete the words 1. t _ r t l _ 2. f _ _ t 3. _ i n d _ w 4. m _ p 5. _ a r d _ n 6. _ a _ e II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions How many apples? ___ apples 1. How many cars? ___ cars 2. How many tigers? ___ tigers 3. III/ Write a/ an 1. ___ apple 2. ___ car
  4. 3. ___ umbrella 4. ___ toy 5. ___ truck -The end- Đáp án đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 1 Kết nối tri thức số 2 I/ Look at the picture and complete the words 1. turtle 2. foot 3. window 4. mop 5. garden 6. gate II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions 1. Four apples 2. Five cars 3. Eight tigers III/ Write a/ an 1. ___an___ apple 2. ___a___ car 3. ___an___ umbrella 4. ___a___ toy 5. ___a___ truck
  5. Đề 3 I/ Look at the picture and match A. horse 1. B. sun 2. C. chicken 3. D. bell 4. E. window 5. II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions
  6. What can you see? I can see a ___ 1. How many windows? ___ 2. What is that? That is a ___ 3. What’s he doing? He is ___ 4. What’s he having? He’s having ___ 5. III/ Read and tick 1. Nine trucks 2. a gate 3. A cup
  7. A. B. A. B. A. B. -The end- Đáp án đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 1 học kì 2 đề 3 I/ Look at the picture and match 1. B 2. D 3. E 4. A 5. C II/ Look at the picture and answer the questions 1. turtle 2. Nine 3. mouse 4. running 5. noodles III/ Read and tick 1. A 2. B 3. B
  8. Đề 4 I/ Look at the pictures and complete the word 1. _ e m o n 2. _ o n k e y 3. b a _ a n a s 4. _ u r t l e 5. _ i n _ o w 6. p _ t II/ Look at the pictures and answer the questions I have a ___ 1. How many mangoes? ___ 2. What is that? That is a ___ 3. What do you like? I ___ 4.
  9. She’s having ___ 5. III/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences 1. turtle/ see/ He/ can/ a/ ./ ___ 2. Point/ foot/ to/ your/ ./ ___ 3. see?/ How/ birds/ can/ many/ you/ ___ 4. I/ a/ teddy bear/ see/ can/ ./ ___ -The end- Đáp án đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 1 học kì 2 đề 4 I/ Look at the pictures and complete the word 1. lemon 2. monkey 3. bananas 4. turtle 5. window 6. pot II/ Look at the pictures and answer the questions 1. I have a car 2. Six 3. That is a tiger 4. I like fish 5. She’s having noodles III/ Reorder these words to have correct sentences 1. He can see a turtle 2. Point to your foot.
  10. 3. How many birds can you see? 4. I can see a teddy bear.